I recently asked an Occupational Therapist at Brennan's Early Intervention Center for recommendations on how to help Brennan learn to feed himself with a spoon. She said that Gerber Lil' Dippers were a good beginner utensil. They have a large rubber handle which is easy to hold and a flat end so it doesn't matter which direction the utensil is facing, thus giving the child the most opportunities for success. We've only used them a couple of times, so I can't give a personal report on their success - but they seem like a good little tool. I found them on e-bay for a really good price, so I have 4 packages (with 2 Dippers per package) that I would like to send to anyone who would like to give them a try. Just send me and e-mail at brennansbeginnings@yahoo.com.
You are so thoughtful, Sharon! I can't wait to see little B. with his dipper.
I actually used these with my other girls and completely forgot that I had them- thanks for bringing this to my attention! Looks like we're at the same stage of trying to learn self-feeding. Oh...and thanks for your kind words-I'm so glad I found your blog, too :)
We are working on self feeding too, Thank you for sharing this. I know that sometimes I think about how silly a post may be, but hope that it helps someone. So thank you. I am interested in trying these and seeing how they work.
Our OT gave us one as well :)! Great recommendation!
Never heard of them. Can't wait to give 'em a try! We're not quite there, yet, but it won't be long.
Thanks for the info! Can't wait to get some and give them a try!
Those look great! I wish I had known about them for my other kids.
I loved these things, Sharon. Our OT recommended them for our boys when they were having their feeding issues.
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