We went to a Christmas party at Brennan's Early Intervention Center yesterday and Brennan had his first visit with Santa. His reaction was classic.......
At first he was a little scared of the man in the red suit

Then he took a minute to check him out (someone handed him bells, too - which helped to distract him)

And decided that Santa's not so scary after all

Sharon, those pics are priceless. Brennan is just so adorable. Just melts your heart! Another memory for you to add to your "memory box":) Happy Holidays from our family to yours!
Priceless for sure! What a darling smile!
LOVE it!
oh my god ! That is Hilarious and adorable!
Yes, priceless! I love the first look and the progression of going from scared and uncertain to "This guy's not so bad." Brennan is adorable!
great pictures --- i love the progression from scared to happy-as-can-be! :) what a doll (can you say that about a little boy?) :)
oh my word he could not be any cuter! :-) i love him Sharon - we need to meet him in real life sometime!
Sooooooo cute! Reid wasn't too sure of Santa either ;)
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